Educational games for sale

Discover fun, playful and educational games carefully selected by Alexandra Leduc, remedial teacher at the Learning Centre. Family fun guaranteed!!

La chasse aux bestioles

Take part in a bug hunt that will stimulate your sense of observation and speed of execution. Will you be the first to correctly identify the bugs, memorize them and get the magnifying glass? Get your magnifying glasses and nets ready… go! (2 to 4 players)

Age: Ages 6 and up

  • 24 bugs
  • 1 magnifying glass
  • 36 Bug Cards
  • 4 Net Cards
  • 6 Special cards
  • 24 sheets
  • Game rules

This fun and entertaining game targets:

  • Working memory
  • Attention and visual cueing
  • Impulsivity management
  • Dexterity and fine motor skills
  • Mental imagery

Price : 41 $ Taxes incl.

La fabrique à sucre

The Grand Chief of the sugar mill is looking for a new apprentice. Show off your confectionery skills by decorating cakes, candy skewers and cones. Earn your title of Best Decorator by winning the Golden Apron. 2 to 4 Players
Age: Ages 6 and up

-1 game board
-2 preparation boards
-108 playing cards
-106 sweets
-2 storage bowls
-4 pawns
-2 dice

This fun and entertaining game targets:
– Problem solving
-Visual and auditory memory
-Logical reasoning
-Working memory
-Impulsivity management
Price 46$ Taxes incl.


Dobble is not one game but 5 mini-games based on speed and observation. Be the fastest and keep your cool to beat your opponents! 2 to 8 players

Age: 6 and up

Dobble Classic
Dobble Junior


This fun game Targets:
-Speed in mental arithmetic
-Number recognition
-Speed of execution
Price: 17$ taxes included

Espion super math

Spies go on missions! Solve the mystery with your special glasses and do your calculations as quickly as possible. Improve your mental arithmetic skills. Will you be the first to finish your mission? (2 to 4 players)
Age: 7 and up
-100 mission maps
-27 numbered tokens
-1 dice
-4 pairs of glasses

This fun game Targets:
-Speed in mental arithmetic
-Number recognition
-Speed of execution
Price: 22$ Taxes included

Party Pyjama

Players have fun completing the colors and must be the first to find the right cow for the right pajamas. The player who collects the most cards wins the game. 1 to 6 Players
Age: 3 to 6 years old
-24 cards of Moo the cow
-2 color dice
-21 correspondence cards

This fun game is great for:
-The sense of observation
-Color recognition and color matching
-Speed of information processing
Price: 20$ Taxes incl.

Qu’est-ce qui nous unit ?

Place different tiles in order to make links between the different images. 2 to 4 players
Age: 6 to 12 years old

-90 tiles
-4 wooden bases
-1 fabric bag
-1 notebook
-Rules of the game
-The development of thinking processes
-Verbal expression
Price: 21$ Taxes included

Ton histoire en forme

This game allows children to use their imagination. Using a card with a shape on it and shuffling the dice, you will have to create your own story and explain it to the other players.
-2 dice
-36 cards with shapes
-2 erasable markers
-1 hourglass
-Rules of the game
-Artistic imagination
-Creative thinking
-Oral expression
-The sense of observation
Price: 22$ Taxes included

Parlons des saisons

In this game, once the card has been turned, you have to grab the appropriate accessory and place it on the image corresponding to the right season.
-43 cards
-4 paintings representing a season
-4 felt accessories
-Rules of the game

Price: 27$ Taxes included

Price: 27$ Taxes included

Opération Sauvetage

Find the coordinates where a missing aircraft or a ship in distress was reported by performing multiplication and division equations. Try not to make a mistake when reconstructing the route, because if you do, you’ll have less time to complete the rescue!
Age: 9 to 13 years old Players: 2 to 4
Operation Rescue is designed to help children better understand multiplication and division operations. This cooperative game also helps them memorize tables, solve problems and find coordinates on a Cartesian plane. The three levels of difficulty also make it an evolving game.
Price : 46$ Taxes included

Sans Problème

There are no problems, there are only solutions! As a park warden, walk around the campsite or outdoor station with a few objects and try to use them to solve the problems of the characters around you. Your mission will be accomplished when you run out of items! 2 to 4 players
Age: 4 to 9 years old
Trouble Free is designed to help children think about problems that may arise in everyday life. It allows them to consider different solutions to the same problem. It helps them to think logically, but also to think “outside the box”.
Price: 46$ Taxes included

Vol de mémoire

The leader of the thieves gives you the mission to steal three objects. In order to do this, you have to walk around the city and memorize the location of the things you see. But beware: the police are patrolling, so you must avoid getting caught by blurring the maps and leaving no trace! Players: 2 to 4
Age: 6 to 12 years old
Memory Theft is designed to help children use strategies that will help them record and organize information in their memory so that they can find it later. The game board gives them cues to exercise their memory and the mission motivates them to make the necessary efforts.
Price: $52 Taxes included

Cultivons le futur de l'éducation

Rejoignez notre équipe dynamique chez Molière et Copernic, où entraide et respect sont au cœur de notre mission : développer la confiance et le plaisir d'apprendre. Nous cherchons des tuteurs, orthopédagogues, enseignants, orthophonistes et psychologues. Étudiants bienvenus!

Nos centres à Vaudreuil et Coteau-Du-Lac offrent un soutien scolaire personnalisé en ligne et en présentiel à plus de 250 élèves chaque semaine. Notre équipe de 50 professionnels assure un accompagnement sur mesure dans toutes les matières, du préscolaire à l'université. Venez contribuer à notre approche stimulante et innovante!
Pour postuler, veuillez envoyer votre CV à l’adresse suivante :
[email protected]

Discover fun, playful and educational games carefully selected by Alexandra Leduc, remedial teacher at the Learning Centre. Family fun guaranteed!!

La chasse aux bestioles

Take part in a bug hunt that will stimulate your sense of observation and speed of execution. Will you be the first to correctly identify the bugs, memorize them and get the magnifying glass? Get your magnifying glasses and nets ready… go! (2 to 4 players)

Age: Ages 6 and up

  • 24 bugs
  • 1 magnifying glass
  • 36 Bug Cards
  • 4 Net Cards
  • 6 Special cards
  • 24 sheets
  • Game rules

This fun and entertaining game targets:

  • Working memory
  • Attention and visual cueing
  • Impulsivity management
  • Dexterity and fine motor skills
  • Mental imagery

Price : 41 $ Taxes incl.

La fabrique à sucre

The Grand Chief of the sugar mill is looking for a new apprentice. Show off your confectionery skills by decorating cakes, candy skewers and cones. Earn your title of Best Decorator by winning the Golden Apron. 2 to 4 Players
Age: Ages 6 and up

-1 game board
-2 preparation boards
-108 playing cards
-106 sweets
-2 storage bowls
-4 pawns
-2 dice

This fun and entertaining game targets:
– Problem solving
-Visual and auditory memory
-Logical reasoning
-Working memory
-Impulsivity management
Price 46$ Taxes incl.


Dobble is not one game but 5 mini-games based on speed and observation. Be the fastest and keep your cool to beat your opponents! 2 to 8 players

Age: 6 and up

Dobble Classic
Dobble Junior


This fun game Targets:
-Speed in mental arithmetic
-Number recognition
-Speed of execution
Price: 17$ taxes included

Espion super math

Spies go on missions! Solve the mystery with your special glasses and do your calculations as quickly as possible. Improve your mental arithmetic skills. Will you be the first to finish your mission? (2 to 4 players)
Age: 7 and up
-100 mission maps
-27 numbered tokens
-1 dice
-4 pairs of glasses

This fun game Targets:
-Speed in mental arithmetic
-Number recognition
-Speed of execution
Price: 22$ Taxes included

Party Pyjama

Players have fun completing the colors and must be the first to find the right cow for the right pajamas. The player who collects the most cards wins the game. 1 to 6 Players
Age: 3 to 6 years old
-24 cards of Moo the cow
-2 color dice
-21 correspondence cards

This fun game is great for:
-The sense of observation
-Color recognition and color matching
-Speed of information processing
Price: 20$ Taxes incl.

Qu’est-ce qui nous unit ?

Place different tiles in order to make links between the different images. 2 to 4 players
Age: 6 to 12 years old

-90 tiles
-4 wooden bases
-1 fabric bag
-1 notebook
-Rules of the game
-The development of thinking processes
-Verbal expression
Price: 21$ Taxes included

Ton histoire en forme

This game allows children to use their imagination. Using a card with a shape on it and shuffling the dice, you will have to create your own story and explain it to the other players.
-2 dice
-36 cards with shapes
-2 erasable markers
-1 hourglass
-Rules of the game
-Artistic imagination
-Creative thinking
-Oral expression
-The sense of observation
Price: 22$ Taxes included

Parlons des saisons

In this game, once the card has been turned, you have to grab the appropriate accessory and place it on the image corresponding to the right season.
-43 cards
-4 paintings representing a season
-4 felt accessories
-Rules of the game

Price: 27$ Taxes included

Price: 27$ Taxes included

Opération Sauvetage

Find the coordinates where a missing aircraft or a ship in distress was reported by performing multiplication and division equations. Try not to make a mistake when reconstructing the route, because if you do, you’ll have less time to complete the rescue!
Age: 9 to 13 years old Players: 2 to 4
Operation Rescue is designed to help children better understand multiplication and division operations. This cooperative game also helps them memorize tables, solve problems and find coordinates on a Cartesian plane. The three levels of difficulty also make it an evolving game.
Price : 46$ Taxes included

Sans Problème

There are no problems, there are only solutions! As a park warden, walk around the campsite or outdoor station with a few objects and try to use them to solve the problems of the characters around you. Your mission will be accomplished when you run out of items! 2 to 4 players
Age: 4 to 9 years old
Trouble Free is designed to help children think about problems that may arise in everyday life. It allows them to consider different solutions to the same problem. It helps them to think logically, but also to think “outside the box”.
Price: 46$ Taxes included

Vol de mémoire

The leader of the thieves gives you the mission to steal three objects. In order to do this, you have to walk around the city and memorize the location of the things you see. But beware: the police are patrolling, so you must avoid getting caught by blurring the maps and leaving no trace! Players: 2 to 4
Age: 6 to 12 years old
Memory Theft is designed to help children use strategies that will help them record and organize information in their memory so that they can find it later. The game board gives them cues to exercise their memory and the mission motivates them to make the necessary efforts.
Price: $52 Taxes included

Des avantages pensés pour vous

Chez Molière et Copernic, votre bien-être et votre épanouissement professionnel nous tiennent à cœur. Nous offrons un environnement stimulant au sein d'une équipe multidisciplinaire, un programme de mentorat et de formation exceptionnel, un salaire compétitif et bien plus encore.