The Molière & Copernic Learning Center started in 2014 and was created by a CEGEP literature teacher who saw too many students and families broken by learning difficulties. She had a vision and wanted to create a place where they could find help and support in order to protect their self-esteem and motivation to go to school.
Molière & Copernic is a learning support center that started in 2014 with the vision of a CEGEP literacy teacher, Melanie Dutemple: a teacher who wanted to better help students with difficulties. Mélanie Dutemple began her career with a bachelor’s degree in literary studies and was responsible for a French support center at the CEGEP. She was also a French and literature teacher for nearly 20 years. She then completed a master’s degree in orthopedagogy (resource teacher) with honours under the direction of Professor André Moreau and renowned speech therapist Brigitte Stanké. Her work focused on the explicit teaching of lexical spelling to dyslexic students. Now a doctoral student in education, she focuses her research on the teaching of spelling regularities and offers international training and conferences on the subject. She has also been a Research Fellow for Literacy and Inclusion (ERLI) and participated in a research project on explicit spelling instruction (FQRSC) led by Brigitte Stanké. She is also a lecturer in special education and orthopedagogy at the Université du Québec en Outaouais.
Today, 47 professionals (orthopedagogues, teachers, tutors, educational psychologists, psychologists and guidance counselors) are involved in the Founders’ vision of Molière and Copernic. At both Vaudreuil and Coteaux du lac localtions, they offer individualized teaching and support adapted to the needs of students in all subjects from preschool to university. The methods are stimulating and the tutors are hired on a very strict screening process.
The Molière and Copernic Learning Centre is a company based on mutual aid and respect, whose mission is to develop a sense of competence and self-confidence, in the pleasure of learning… for a lifetime!
Teacher Louise Charron’s words about her students on the day she retired accurately reflect our vision of education:
“When they look into my eyes, they see the best in themselves and they give it to me.”
– La Presse, 2019
As a group, our team of professionals are members of the following professional associations:
Association des orthopédagogues du Québec (LADOQ), Association québécoise des enseignantes et des enseignants du primaire (AQEP), Association québécoise des professeurs de français (AQPF), Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR) Institut des troubles d’apprentissage (ITA), Ordre des conseillères et des conseillers d’orientation du Québec (OCCOQ), Ordre des psychologues du Québec, Ordre des psychoéducatrices et des psychoéducateurs du Québec (OPPQ)
The Molière & Copernic Learning Center started in 2014 and was created by a CEGEP literature teacher who saw too many students and families broken by learning difficulties. She had a vision and wanted to create a place where they could find help and support in order to protect their self-esteem and motivation to go to school.
Molière & Copernic is a learning support center that started in 2014 with the vision of a CEGEP literacy teacher, Melanie Dutemple: a teacher who wanted to better help students with difficulties. Mélanie Dutemple began her career with a bachelor’s degree in literary studies and was responsible for a French support center at the CEGEP. She was also a French and literature teacher for nearly 20 years. She then completed a master’s degree in orthopedagogy (resource teacher) with honours under the direction of Professor André Moreau and renowned speech therapist Brigitte Stanké. Her work focused on the explicit teaching of lexical spelling to dyslexic students. Now a doctoral student in education, she focuses her research on the teaching of spelling regularities and offers international training and conferences on the subject. She has also been a Research Fellow for Literacy and Inclusion (ERLI) and participated in a research project on explicit spelling instruction (FQRSC) led by Brigitte Stanké. She is also a lecturer in special education and orthopedagogy at the Université du Québec en Outaouais.
Today, 47 professionals (orthopedagogues, teachers, tutors, educational psychologists, psychologists and guidance counselors) are involved in the Founders’ vision of Molière and Copernic. At both Vaudreuil and Coteaux du lac localtions, they offer individualized teaching and support adapted to the needs of students in all subjects from preschool to university. The methods are stimulating and the tutors are hired on a very strict screening process.
The Molière and Copernic Learning Centre is a company based on mutual aid and respect, whose mission is to develop a sense of competence and self-confidence, in the pleasure of learning… for a lifetime!
Teacher Louise Charron’s words about her students on the day she retired accurately reflect our vision of education:
“When they look into my eyes, they see the best in themselves and they give it to me.”
– La Presse, 2019
As a group, our team of professionals are members of the following professional associations:
Association des orthopédagogues du Québec (LADOQ), Association québécoise des enseignantes et des enseignants du primaire (AQEP), Association québécoise des professeurs de français (AQPF), Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR) Institut des troubles d’apprentissage (ITA), Ordre des conseillères et des conseillers d’orientation du Québec (OCCOQ), Ordre des psychologues du Québec, Ordre des psychoéducatrices et des psychoéducateurs du Québec (OPPQ)